Like a number of Lodges founded around the same time, Prince David was named for the
Provincial Grand Master, HRH The Prince of Wales and founded in 1927 from members of a
Lodge whose wait for Office could be measured in decades. Eighty odd years on and this Lodge
found itself like many others struggling to fill all those Offices.
Thanks to the foresight of our present Provincial Grand Master, who has a personal interest in
the sport and is now an Honorary Member, Prince David has been chosen to be the specialist
shotgun Lodge for Surrey Masons. The immediate effect of this has been to increase our
membership healthily with Masons joining from other Lodges at the rate of two or three
applications each meeting and vastly improving our attendance with like minded visitors both
from within and without the Province.
Our intention is to combine the interests of Shooting with that of Masonry to the benefit of both.
Other than our Installation we will organise a shooting event to precede our meetings in the
Temple and non-Masons will be welcomed at the former. We are hopeful that this will
encourage the recruitment of Initiates.
Neither membership nor attendance are dependent on anyone’s experience of shooting. Indeed
we welcome anyone to our meetings who have no experience but might like to try it, and to that
end we can offer some instruction and even the loan of shotguns. In all other respects this Lodge
will be a normal, progressive Lodge where active members can expect to take office and reach
the Chair.
We will be meeting four times each year and three of those will be by dispensation at times and
places where shoots can be arranged. Therefore to be advised when our meetings will take place
it is important to check the Provincial calendar and on this web site.